DALLAS, Texas - October 14, 2014 - NPI (National Presort L.P.), a leading mail and parcel sorting technology company, announced today it was selected as a strategic partner by Brazil Post (Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telegrafos), one of the largest postal service providers in the world. NPI will work with Brazil Post to streamline and upgrade its equipment, beginning with a contract of approximately $11 million USD for the revitalization of all of its Siemens Delivery Bar Code Sorter (DBCS) machines operating throughout Brazil. NPI will replace the controlled electronics, bar code readers and software of the existing equipment. With the installations taking place in early 2015, NPI will provide a variety of ongoing support to Brazil Post including: project management, installation, training, documentation, warranty and technical support. The process will add a minimum of 10 years of additional life to the country's existing postal sorting systems.

The contract with Brazil Post reflects the company's continued international growth, as mail processing organizations worldwide turn to NPI for exceptional equipment and support. "NPI has positioned the company as a multi-faceted postal technology provider that not only produces technologically advanced and cost effective sorting solutions, but also revitalizes and upgrades existing systems," said Henry Daboub, NPI's founder and CEO. "Mail processing organizations no longer have to rely solely on the original manufacturers of their equipment for replacement parts or upgrades. Instead, NPI can customize and install its control systems and software to work seamlessly with their existing equipment, preventing those machines from becoming technologically obsolete while reducing their carbon footprint."

About NPI
NPI (National Presort L.P.) has been at the forefront of technology in the mail and parcel sorting industry for more than 35 years, with over a thousand machines installed worldwide, including its well received Xstream parcel sorter. NPI sets the standard for affordable, high quality, low maintenance solutions, while meeting the highest expectations in automated sorting with the industry's most compact designs. For more information visit www.npisorters.com or call 1-888-821-SORT (7678).
