Jan. 29 2007 01:39 PM

Industry leaders from MailManagement have created a unique education experience that provides training and skills to mail industry managers. Conducted by Jacquelyn McPeak, CMDSM, president of MailManagement Consulting, and assisted by Robert Sample of MailManagement, the two-day seminar was in March in Concordville, Pennsylvania. Subjects covered included mail and distribution operations evaluation, management and leadership, outsourcing, mail volume and productivity measurement, customer service, business writing and mail center security.


"We understand complex mail and distribution operations, and thus we are committed to provide programs that go beyond basic information provided at seminars and generic management courses," McPeak says. "Our program requires students to evaluate their current work environment, document areas needing improvement and develop action plans that could be implemented in their workplaces."


McPeak believes this program will raise the level of professionalism within the mail and distribution industry by providing individuals with specific management skills. "I developed this program in recognition that many individuals in the mailing and distribution industry have been promoted from within and placed in management positions without the skills to be effective," she explains. "This program focuses on the education needs of mail and distribution operations personnel. No one is born a manager to be an effective manager, one must develop the skill." In addition, attendees who complete this program earn five points toward the Mail Systems Management Assocation's (MSMA) Certified Mail and Distribution Certification Program.


McPeak brought her recognized authority and knowledge as a leading consultant in the mailing industry. She has served in an executive position in local MSMA chapters, Postal Customer Councils and the MSMA National Board. She has also been recognized for her dedication to the advancement of the theory and practice of sound business management techniques in mail systems when she received the MSMA Distinguished Service Award in 2002.


"There are no management skills programs available that are industry-specific and teach how to develop sound volume, productivity and quality assurance programs," McPeak says. "I observed during my consulting that the majority of organizations are not able to determine staffing requirements based on actual productivity."


People from many industries attended the seminar including facilities management companies, universities, hospitals, publishers, investment firms, pharmaceutical companies as well as government agencies. McPeak believes that each attendee brings a unique need and experience level, which contributes to an extremely interesting interchange of ideas across the range of subjects explored. Comments like, "This is a better way to do it," and "we could try that in our company," were often voiced during discussions.


Presenters included Sample and Doug Newhard from Pitney Bowes-Workflow Solutions. Sample, who helped organize the seminar, presented a step-by-step process of measuring volumes and productivity leading to an informed and defensible justification concerning requirements for staffing businesses. Newhard made a special presentation on ergonomics in the workplace. McPeak added an informative presentation on outsourcing.


This seminar has been running since 2001 and will continue to be held quarterly.  The next seminar will be held on October 8 and 9 in Concordville, Pennsylvania. There is also a possibility of holding the seminar in Chicago this November.


For additional information, you can contact MailManagement Consulting at 610-869-8699 or e-mail mailmgt@aol.com.
